Oh, decrepit world where we live Who chose you? Who is your creator?
Some say it is God But I do not believe that the loving Lord In whom I have been taught to believe Would make something so heinous So deceptive So evil. I find it a bit ironic.
People literally die to get out of this asylum every day. Those people take their own lives. Other are so angry about it they resort to violence And they take the lives of others. How can human being be so inhumane? I find it a bit ironic.
Every day, our species Who are supposedly different than the animal kingdom Commits ****, homicide, slander and torture And we are supposed to be more intelligent and rational Than the other animals who tread along this planet? I find it a bit ironic.
So, decrepit world Do your devices derive from hate When you were supposedly built out of love? Christians say this And while I love God I find it a bit ironic.