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Oct 2014
There was once a pure white rose,
That grew more thorns.
For she had known the true intentions,
Of every delightful word.

"You're so beautiful"
But that's not what you really meant,
Now is it?
He buttered her up,
Until he got what he wanted.

He used her up,
And got bored.
So he left the little rose,
The way it never was before.

For seeing what he did to her,
She never trusted anyone.
So the thorns kept growing,
Until no one was left.

She drove everyone away,
Only to grief the part of her that she lost,
And the boy that she once loved.

20 years later,
She's still the same way.
Lonely, broken,
And can't be fixed.

The damage is done,
No one can save her.
Not even the one that hurt her in the first place...
Understand the commitment you make when you say "I love you", it could end up hurting someone you don't want to hurt.
Untold Story
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Untold Story
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