The night closes down its comfort zone drowning in the dusk of musk scented sleep alone with wild energies seeking solace in strange arms, unknown banter as we leave behind the dancing day busy footsteps in a race to finish at five
heading home, the day trails behind heavy footsteps locked inside a casket of memories for tomorrow, will surely bring its cold chill and diary notes to keep us pushing on.
Yet the evening has its own secrets wine and wishes, sip by sip, as we unwind our stories of a stressful day, people we met spoke to in brisk tones, carried briefcases of lecture notes, and walked the corridors of learning, always mindful of the clock and learners grasping at straws as I, deliver the technological wonders that unfold in young brains, still unable to grasp how society heaves and sighs with wanting more.
Someday soon I will leave this job walk in the wilderness of the country side smell fresh earth and newly mowed lawns watch sunrise and sunset and cows grazing blissfully unaware of my presence.
Age has its own miracles meeting new goddesses from distant lands, who see deep into the simmering beauty of what I create in words and visuals and who give all the praise and glory tenfold with unselfish sharing and caring.My heart beats for them.
I wish, I wish for those young and folly days when I wandered a strange wilderness writing and reading and sharing and knowing that life itself was engineered to be like this evening of velvet smoothness and silky toned romances that few knew drove me to write like this endlessly
Back to the night which has just waved goodbye to the last lingering twilight for today and pulled its subtle robe of shadows and faint lights around itself and enclosed me in its delicate grasp of wonder.
I see my lover, far far away, as if, she were here, reading and feeling and knowing that she is my muse and all the temples that I build with my words and visuals are solely for her enjoyment.She draws me in a circle.
Good night, my love. I will rise with you at the dawn of the next day!