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Oct 2014
The beautiful clouds start weeping raining scent roses,
And the purple dawn start breathing of our deep pink love.

And the world blows a powerful wind, to lock the doors
Of freedom in my kingdom, thus you won't go away that late.

Don't be fooled to prove me a fake smile to my quit mouth,
And strain to ignore my lion mind, who is setting a warm plan.

With my heart's Uprising, to announcement of a couple of
The force of my feelings to only you the woman I adore a lot.

Allow me to pronounce my first loving speech over your *******,
And so my lips get thirsty to kiss your spectacular stunning lips.

Clouds would appear shortly, and then the stars will come between my hands,
But to put them as armless soldiers on the banks of loving eyes.

In case if dreams take you away, far from my real honest clear love,
Be awake and happy, tonight together we will record a new revolution.

Give the candle on, we would melt by sharing one night full of pleasure,
Where you, and me stay together for the remainder of our valuable life in heaven.

Ahmad Alkhatat
Written by
Ahmad Alkhatat  Montreal Canada
(Montreal Canada)   
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