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Oct 2014
Teach me how to fall in love, how to breath across your  breath.
My heart he is already old, and ready to spend his last living years with you.

Come closer to my flesh, I want to tell you that tonight my tears,
They won't appear, just because you were the chosen angel to live with me.

I lived my life with lots of hopes, and dreams. Now both of them
I found them buried in the ground, before my physical body will go soon.

Force me to love you, so I can tell you that your tears aren't bitter,
Instead they are mixture of your love with mine, as result sweetest tears ever.

That might turn on the wind inside of me, to shut down the worries,
And fears, that kept me writing of my depression view of the love of today.

Allow my poetry to melt over your whist tonight, I would break all the rules,
To cross the borders of sins, to kiss you as I'm rhyming you from head to toe.

Rhyming your lips, with my powerful kisses,
Rhyming your *******, with my two hands,
Rhyming your **** body, with my pleasure poem.

Trust me, you are the chosen one, the chosen woman, that God create you,
As the most wealthily gift on earth, be proud to be the first to draw a smile on my face.

Ahmad Alkhatat
Written by
Ahmad Alkhatat  Montreal Canada
(Montreal Canada)   
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