How macabre she looks standing before me StaggeringΒ Β down the hall towards me Eyes bulged with compassion For what she sees as a beatific deed In stance to strike me down And leave me to bleed In comparison to the past Then, she was much more sweet Wearing an eternal smile upon her visage where ever she paraded But oh, how deeply she glares through my soul She froze my heart With this sudden change My body became stone When she raised her axe My breath was stilled I must not let her go She is not whom she was Months ago
Watching her walk away Burst my heart into shards of glass Sprayed across the floor I don't know who she is anymore But there is one thing I know for sure For if I am to die on this floor I will not die alone In my pocket lies "Rosaline" The finest gun my grandfather bestowed upon me In a split second she's down on the floor Staring back at me In absolute horror Seeing her suffer slowly before me I still do not abhor Watching her bleed now I love her even more The time we've spent together I've so adored I do not know whom she is anymore But if she is to die She will not die alone.