Raven crosses the threshold Hawk, a protector and a visionary . . . stands watch Together: a great change is gonna come
Raven sculpts the formless into shape, awakening Hawk to an inspirational message Together: a pathway to higher consciousness
Raven mines the darkness For facets of light, where our true self is found Eyes wide shut, eventually leads to our souls purpose
Hawk surfs the primordial forces of life and Can't see so catches an updraft for improved perspective Eyes wide shut, eventually leads to our souls purpose
Raven brings the ghost Hawk brings the quill
Together: Turtle Island medicine
Raven symbolism: healing, intuition, protection, magic, shape shifting, creativity, help with divination, wisdom, eloquence, trickster
Hawk symbolism: messenger of the spirit world, focus, leadership, vision, creativity, soaring above the mundane