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Oct 2014
"Had Paul of Tarsus been convinced that he was nothing more than a wandering weaver of carpets, he certainly would not have been the man he was...The myth that took possession of him made him something greater than a mere craftsman." -Carl Jung

Drums in the distance
as the multitudes groaning
beneath the heels of power
are beginning to realize
that they have a Voice.

Too long have we waited
silent and obedient
as we have been stripped
and beaten
and murdered.

Without fanfare and trumpets
a simple slogan
shouted through tear gas
as workers march on the Arch
and the bombs continue to fall.


Will the people of peace
prevail over such reckless
fear and hate
crawling through the bowels
of our once great nation?

Or will there be fire
raining down from the sky
children with rifles in the streets
a prophet born in a diner
become a martyr?
Jon Shierling
Written by
Jon Shierling  Old Florida
(Old Florida)   
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