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Oct 2014
There's something in the way you walk
That caught my attention
What it was i'm not sure
But you are beautiful
In every sense of the word
And it would be a shame
If this was my only poem about you
There's something in the way you hug me
It's as if you're sheltering me from the world
That you want me and only me
On the other hand
You are confusing as ****
You are the type of guy
That treats everyone the same
No favorites
No special treatment
Nice Nice Nice
You are so captivating,
I cannot find the words to describe you
It would be a shame if this is all i ever know about you
not my best, but it's late and i just wanted to write about you. i will probably write more and hopefully later edits of this poem will be better whoppweoejriowef
Written by
   Humberto, Pamela Rae and SPT
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