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Oct 2014
No way to measure

No distance ever fathomed
Even light years away
Like the elusive horizon
Just out of reach
Or a circle
that never ends.
No ocean depth, or density
Could ever harness
what I'm holding
Amidst the beating walls
Of my heart
Which  always
says your name .
I've often wondered
Even to the limits
of my imagination
their is nothing that can clasp,
Or even comprehend,
The way I feel about you.
All the love that was ever conjured
By all the people In the world
Is but a drop in the ocean
in the universe of my love.
All my love ,all my love, my love,
Their is no way to capture just how I feel for you
It ever will be
Yes, my love,
the only thing more vast
than the universe,
Is the love, I hold for you
Simply put my love
I love you
"Infinity squared "
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
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