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Oct 2014
eats you alive
but don't you ever, for a second, downplay my own.
i will acknowledge your pain, i will give you light in the darkness,
but the moment you even dare to brush my pain away,
i will be gone like the ******* wind.
i have already been consumed. i know i'm already
someone different from the person that began this battle,
from the young girl who lifted her sword with a courageous
promise to fight for herself and win;
her skeleton already lies in the empty halls,
pieces of her dragged away to different depths by vicious demons
that will remain this way until the shell that is left learns to crack
the tall gates that locks these pieces away; these pieces,
never to be seen again, god, i wish i had put more faith in the
young hero.
i have been in this for too long,
been staring up at these gates forever, to ever allow you
to say that it's all in my head, for you to say that this pain
isn't really here.
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