Love seems to be the cure for my suffering; My anxiety and sadness. Even if it's brief or last long extenuating exhausting hours. The best hours can spend in bed Besides sleep.
Alcohol It's a light in the dark. A serum of energy. A light mixed with darkness. Or the opposite of darkness. My choice over water.
**** The famous Mary The cure to all pain & suffering These days. His regular old Camel mixed with **** It goes hand in hand with love, alcohol & ***.
It is said to relax and take away Excruciating Pain or any illness, internaly and externally, intentionally or not. It heals your soul. Hide your scars and numbs your mind Giving you new hopes in life envolved in it's mystical phsycodelic fog. Maybe that's a different drug. But **** should be legal and a medicine to trust.
Love, Alcohol, & ***; It seems be the magical pill For this matrix type of world. For this life I live in. But like all, There's always a price to pay. Love, Alchol, & **** is something you should never trust.
I am in favor of Marihuana for medicinal purpose not for recreational use. I do not use it. This is just a poem. So don't judge.