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Oct 2014
Such a simple word;
Such a simple concept.
But she was more than that.

She was the light that slowly dips through the morning frost on the window pane,
signify a new day;
A new start.

He was a dark cloud.
A storm cloud.
He try to block her light.
Tried to hide her;
Keep her for himself.
And being the pure soul she is.
She let him.

She failed to see her own beauty because he blocked her ideas.
He corrupted her heart;
And slowly wrapped himself within her mind.

But every rainy day must come to an end;
And soon the sun must come back again.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Meg Goodfellow
Written by
Meg Goodfellow  Australia
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