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Oct 2014
It was a long time ago when ‘Daddy’ became ‘Dad’;
Because in moments of fear,
Its not ‘don’t worry’ that I hear,
But the faded echo of a voice saying ‘It’s not that I don’t love you’.

We built ourselves on the idea that we were better than what we seem;
But in a world where life doesn’t have the mean anything,
I longed to be someone else.

I was only seven when I decided that there was no such place called heaven;
Because if god was such a big guy he’d show his face instead of hide;
He’d build mountains and rise tides;

But like everyone else he lied to me;
Because sitting in a class room doesn’t apply to me,
And no one ever needed to rely on me;
because I was nothing.

In one tiny moment,
Everything can change;
But when you’re shot in firing range,
You start to re-think everything you’d thought.

It wasn’t your heart that I bought,
But your heart that I rented;
Because in moments of lust I really thought we meant it.

When you long to be loved,
Your heart can be torn;
Because the pure silence between us had started a war.
We fought with our touch,
With hands against skin;
But I knew from the start,
That I’d never win.

I would bend,
And I would break,
Just to let me be the hand that you take;
Because when years turn to days,
And if I had my way,
I would write you a poem,
With the one simple word:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Meg Goodfellow
Written by
Meg Goodfellow  Australia
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