Resplendent in his sweep he stalls in mid air still as if the sun held his talons to sharpen the winds verb against the shrill bursting from this tensed lungs splitting the arc of swoop into perfect symmetry
He sweeps in one long delicate swirl and spot on the talons clutch at rushing fur and bone crushing as it lifts the hare, head darting this way and that. Up, up and away
into the sky's arms. He opens the chef blades of his beak and delicately strips flesh even as the dying hare struggles to crawl back into life. But its windpipe shatters with a squeeze.
The hawk circles high, testing thermals watching as the cotton clouds gather around him and blanket his feast with a light shawl of wool. He knows his domain well. From here he sees
the hurrying feet amidst bracken and bush and with mathematical precision he plans his next course from the skies. Even as grizzle and unchewable hare bones and soft fur tumble to earth for other predators to salvage. Majestic Hawk. Master and mystery.