The ignorant decision and her mistake Always together until She met him She left Not able to pull her back She's gone
No longer is she my friend Rather is she just family The love of what once was friends She pulled herself away
Angry sad betrayed how could she leave She didn't stay Without a goodbye she left to make an ignorant mistake.
One month she knew him Now she has gone to stay. Twenty; she could not be stopped She was his for him to take.
You are gone. You are grown. I fell down. Now I'm on my own.
Goodbye my best friend,Β Β for our future will not be the same. No more sleeping in late or acting silly at night No more finding late night snacks just to go work them off the next day No more random pictures No more zombies or forced multiplayer No more. He has stolen my bestfriend. You live so close yet youre so far away. Be careful, I ask of you, my Cousin.