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Oct 2014
I dream about you often,
Sometimes they're sweet
Many times they are nasty!

I dream of you and I holding hands walking through the botanical gardens

I dream of you and I dancing randomly in my new place

I dream of your shimmy near the sink as we get ready to eat

I dream of your beautiful smile lighting up the room

I dream of you walking down the aisle, looking more beautiful than any other bride ever has

Many times, my dreams are much darker

I dream of you in turquoise, red or black

I dream of you kneeling in front of me and doing what you love

I dream of your sweetness glistening off my chin, dripping onto my chest

I dream of the upwards view of your amazing ******* as you lower yourself onto me

I dream of tables and stairs,
Forwards and backwards and sideways

I dream of small, tight spaces with you pushing back

I dream of you looking me deep in my eyes as I tell you love you as we are one

I dream of you not looking away, but embracing me as we are one as we make sweet passionate love

I dream of spending the rest of my life with you. I love you baby and cannot wait to make you mine!
Turtle Eyes
Written by
Turtle Eyes  Planet Earth
(Planet Earth)   
     ---, DiamondGirl and ---
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