may the purest of waters, cascade upon you wash away the impurities you percive to be take that cloth, dab them away look in the mirror, admire the soft glow of you
some singular moment, or collection of such should not impede, or dim that light let the losers and cowards speak their words they are fraught with grief, guilt, wrong turns
their pathetic lives needs a scapegoat your just fresh meat to feast on like a good servant, you tend to their needs doing your best to please then suddenly you found the control switch and nervously turn it off
a new awakening begins in your ***** you have risen from the depths of despair turn away, close that door and breathe the vibrant air
such words, I must admit, have lingered in my mind these peering eyes, watch closely, not ready to say but the metamorphosis is yours, a beautiful soul the worlds a richer place, when you smile upon us