You can lie to yourself all you want You can lie me too, but It doesn't change the truth And mommy dear, I know it, I know what you do, I know you don't have any control No you don't, not anymore
You can lie to yourself all you want But it doesn't change a thing And mother dearest? It does affect me When your so high that You can't keep your eyes open And your wits about you Long enough for me to ask a question
You can lie to yourself all you want In the end it's all the same You lost control, You've lost the battle With your false savior You've left me here Playing mommy dear with my siblings While your off with a man named john
You can lie to yourself all you want It's your choice to make, Just realize, it does affect me It does affect our struggling relationship And the more you deny it The more you ignore it The worse it's going to get
You can lie to yourself all you want But someday you'll realize it has never helped You're going to have to face the truth And the longer you put it off, The longer you keep falling The harder you're going to hit When you get to rock bottom.
I hate when she denies being on drugs, then her next sentence is "it doesn't matter, my choices don't affect you" I am your daughter. What you do affects me. When I have to take your kids to all their ball games, practices, church meetings, I have to drag your sorry *** out of bed to get you to go anywhere. It DOES affect me. And don't even try to deny your addiction. Just don't. I have been around drugs and people on drugs my entire life. I have been on drugs. I know what they look like and I know what they do. You can lie to me. But I know the truth.