i meet the frozen-lake blue gaze of my backwards lover and wonder if maybe that's why her skin is always frozen-over cold hinting at the veins underneath like the ice hints at the water rushing below wonder if the snow-covered arch of her spine would still be white-capped if each **** didn't protrude from her skin my backwards lover is gorgeous she is a ******* beautiful disaster words like fractured pavement each day she's a snowflake that takes a different shape no two are she the same i watch my backwards lover with an ever curious gaze mirroring her movements as she turns her face my way tilt my chin to let her gaze run over my jaw hold my breath in the hopes that she'll approve of my less graceful icy skin what does it say about me that my backwards lover always turns away from my too-warm-to-be-frozen flushed cheeks turns away from my rib cage that doesn't peek enough to be dusted with snow my backwards lover is gorgeous she is a ******* beautiful disaster and i am just a mistake