Oh my it is great... to have this headache... after trying to understand what numbers are real and fake
I don't see how this will help me through my course of life Will I ever be trying to see what the angle of a chair is again? or will I ever need to use how to find a hypotenuse?
I've thought and thought for a very long time and came up with a list of jobs that would ever need algebra
Math teacher Crazy Math obsessor Architect Carpenter scientist (on occasion) contractor Someone who builds triangles kite maker someone who makes graphs salesman/women
Too bad that isn't any of the jobs I ever want...
Algebra... oh how my head burns and I'm sorry if you like it I don't mean to offend but Algebra just aint my jam I'd rather be painting or writing or singing I'd rather be strumming(my guitar) be sleeping or eating I'd rather go play soccer or basketball or ski Really I'd just rather be free free of the confusion I feel after class of the helplessness that I have towards math
Oh how am I going to survive???
PS. I still have to live through geometry (I **** at shapes) pre calculous (I don't even know what that is) and calculous (Ugh ***?)