The moment and the breath, They collaborate. Collide. In due time, this will subside, Or so they say. And we never got to say goodbye. From where you see, you can reach us, Feel the pain, Touch our hearts. We can’t reach back, and we wish you would have stayed, Or we could go To where you remain Just to have more time with you. It was much too soon. It is always too soon To never get the chance to hear your laugh, Or see your smile, Or hear what you have to say again. But with this Comes a sense of peace, Knowing now you’re okay, And you would want us to be okay. You want us to remember The smile, and the laugh, and the words Because memory is what we can keep here. Your life, Our lives Are all meant for something. For a reason. And happiness is found within something more than just ourselves. It comes from when we are all together. But heaven called an angel home. And we’ll always question why. Until we’re called. Until it’s our time. Until we’re ready to understand. But we know it was for something. And most importantly, We know you’re never going to be truly gone.
So keep smiling, Keep laughing, Keep teaching Because though it’s tough to see right now, You still are. Always.
I wrote this for my Pip who passed away last year. I love you and miss you forever Pip. Je t'aime.