A vacant gaze my recent reflection in an embrace that seems more like a courtesy than affection , My insides an arid well , spent, are the wishes and dreams Leaving only the stone walls and empty echoes Of a heart that still beats her name. Her mind somehow made up, No longer is it only me that that she wants , and in my heart , I never was , Seems like now , all the excuses she used to find a way to talk to me , are now the excuses not to. She says she doesn't know what the future holds , to me it isn't a future without her to hold. Always just a part of her life , but never part of " our " life apart. When did I stop being special ? When did loyalty , trustworthiness, and respect become something toxic in a relationship ? Maybe when I expected the same? We danced together to music in our minds , tied together in a kindred spirits gala. Drawn to her all my life Now My compass , always with her pointed north As hopeless as a lighthouse in the fog My tears ? So many a night lost in a confusion , Rejected was my overwhelming affection , and just the plain willingness to " do " for her. She wanted a friend with benefits, I wanted the benefit of being in love with my best friend. When did love become so underrated, when did my affection stop being appreciated ? When did my love stop being returned ? I drink my tears , from the cup of my broken heart , as I notice the love " gone " from her gaze , and I keep asking myself " when " ??????