Would I blog about twitting? Tweet about texting? Text about bloging?
Will I sip on an organic double frappuccino? Will I miss MJ? Will I have a tea cup Chihuahua? Will I hate the hills? Will I be dealing with bulimia? Watching TMZ? Liveing green? Will my iPhone my big sunglasses be in my louis vuitton handbag? Will all this be something to talk about? Will it still be "in"? Or will outher things that I hate take it's place?
Will my blog be overrated? Or will only old ppl like it?
Or will it be, anti-social anti-fashion I hate everything even myself self mutalating artsie fartsie wannabe rabel who are also AS over rated
((If I wred this blog, I'd hate it))
I wrot this 2008, never thoght I'd post it anywhere