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Oct 2014
Scars are a language branded on your skin.
Just like words, they can and will be misinterpreted,
misleading and sometimes deceiving.
But a scar always says something.
Just like a word,
a statement,
accusation or declaration,
it never means nothing.
They don't disappear.
Not for the purpose of reminding you why and how it came to be,
but to propose what it says about you now.
Scars shape our lives,
But not because of what made them,
But because of what we have done since they have been there.
THAT translates the old language first carved and printed, into a verse sung by the voice deep in your head.
Mourning or rejoicing,
that voice is always louder than the ancient script stamped in flesh and signed in blood long washed away.
Rowan Eyzaguirre
Written by
Rowan Eyzaguirre  SLC, Utah
(SLC, Utah)   
   Sade LK
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