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Dec 2009
Precariously perched atop a mountain
Swaying in the sickly sweet breeze
To the right, shining sun
Blissfully beckons.
To the left, deathly drums
Pound my mind ceaselessly.
Restless, I pace the psyche depths
In a race neverending.
Fleeing myself?
Thoughts of blades and pills
Delude this once harmonious life.
Godammit WHY I cry
As I look to the right
At my lover, so divine.
Such passion, such beauty
Should break these **** chains,
Yet they brace and remain
Leave me low all the same.
Birds swoop above, free,
Taunting with their calls.
So I jump and fly
Higher, so high
through the mounds of clouds,
I have found
Freedom fleeting.
Will it last?
B Woods
Written by
B Woods
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