13 messages 13 people that have seen it necessary to remind me As if I didn't know today was the day As if I didn't didn't pick up this date the last 17 years The last 17 years of their mourning For a man I never met For a man that decided he was done One month and five days before my first birthday He ran away And he's gone. Blood means nothing, I never knew him by daddy I don't mourn a stranger, So please stop reminding me
My father died October second 1996. There is debate on why he died. The how is very clear, he was drunk. It was raining. And there was a cliff that he drove over. The debate is if he accidentally drove off the cliff or if he meant to. Officially state records say it was an accident. I'm thankful for that because that means I get social security. His close family cling resolutely to it being an accident. Here's what I see: he had been fighting with my mom. He left us and was going to his dad's house in Tennessee. So no matter what he abandoned me and it doesn't matter. There was no skid marks, he didn't try to stop. The cliff was off road, he didn't accidentally get there. And he died with a picture of me in his hand, which means he knew he was about to die. Doesn't matter. I don't mourn a stranger.