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Oct 2014
I loved you like a child loves Christmas
Craving the attention
Looking forward to the unknown prizes
Hoping to get exactly what they wished for
The not knowing
Is the best part
I loved you like a bee loves honey
Working hard to get the best
To bring the best home
Looking through each part of you
Discovering new sweetness
I loved you like a little girl loves makeup
Discovering new colors
Painting the beautiful on
Experimenting with the shades of your eyes
I loved you like you were the only thing beautiful in the world
I treasured your company
I took pictures because there were pieces of you
I never wanted to forget about
I looked at you longer than friends should
I stared with a compassion that storytellers use
Passing down their generation with metaphors
I loved you with my whole self
and I remain whole in your arms
Do not break me
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   SPT, --- and r
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