We poets write what's on our mind and in our heart. To us it comes naturally, never questioning it. To us its art. To every curve we feel the pen stroking on the paper wall, like a dancer swaying in rhythm and to dare not fall. From one poet to another, we have a common courtesy for most. We either love it or we don't or can share it playing host. We appreciate each others differences and poetic style. Even when we disagree, we never argue, as we smile. From one poet to another, we can feel ones pain and joy. Though we never knock each other down or do no harm employ. From one poet to another, its a way of sharing what's in our soul. Whether it be good or bad, we respect each other for simply sharing and letting go. We can write about most anything like nature, love, pain, art, or rock. The worst thing from one poet to another, is a thing called "writer's block." So when we take the time to very publically; to from our depths do share. Its a way of sharing a piece of our minds like a a window to our soul declare. Even though we may hide away from time to time. It's because we're always thinking and reflect on past experiences to rhyme. Most of us are pretty social and can be artistic in other ways. Like music, dancing, singing or acting and directing plays. We choreograph our feelings out and lay them out as words of art. Sharing to others to enjoy a piece of our life that taketh part. We don't always say things out loud properly and publically. We are sometimes better writing in what we do best- in written poetry. From one poet to another, we know some get it or they don't. Most poets will because they can disect it or they won't. From one poet to another, we know we don't always have to rhyme our word. I prefer to write in rhyme, but when I don't- other poets don't think its absurd. From one poet to another, we write our feelings, thoughts and beliefs with ease. From one poet to another, for some its a masterpiece.