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Sep 2014
We are only friends and nothing more
No matter how many times you come over
or how many inside jokes we keep
No matter how many times I eagerly want to kiss you,
I never will
We are only friends and nothing more
The space between my shoulder and yours is six inches of fatal territory
Every effort I put in is just another grain of sand on your beach
We are only friends and nothing more
Your smile is one of many
and mine is a mere star among her being your sun
I will never hold the place in your heart that she does
but I should not be bothered by that because
We are only friends and nothing more
So when you call and I pick up,
greeting you like I always do
Do not crack a joke
or ask me how my day was
Do not be so nice that I forget
are merely friends
and nothing more than that
Written by
     radres, DiamondGirl and L
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