Whats it been, four, five years? I can't shake the thought of you. Each year I want you more wish you were mine and have my heart shudder with each girl you put your arm around. I'm always so scared though, scared you're too short and I'm too tall afraid I'm not interesting or pretty enough or maybe you're not pretty enough for me, though I'm always afraid of not being what you need.
You're always there for me, you know I'm hurting and each year, I hear, you can't shake the thought of me, they're probably lies but it makes my heart fly and I'll pretend I didn't cry, what's wrong with me? You reach out and I reach back but just as our fingers touch I'm too scared to hold on, and I fall, but you always wait for me to climb back up.
but how long will you wait? I need to get it together, man up, finally tell you everything that hurts, then you'll pull me up, and maybe everything will be okay.