My voice has been stolen.. My hands have been bound.. My mind has been drugged.. A surface is nowhere to be felt or found.. My legs are paralyzed by a kiss so venomous it has shut my entire system down.. Suffering from writers block although this poem proves it's a paradox for there is one ray of sunlight shining through my wooden box from two different sources of hope that remain painfully in the distance My eyes carve the words in the wood within my poetic grave She got away and I realized it too late failed to see the death sentence on that lisence plate as she literally drove away with everything I loved Just one thing remained.. the pain of a broken promise that she would stay
Now I've changed.. with a broken throat I laugh within my shallow grave For my voice has been taken away but the fire still resides I will fight, grab the shards from my broken honour and pride to get back what is both yours and mine.. My heart is healing in a safe place now.. Far from harm, only allowed to be tended by one person My soul kept warm, steadily sleeping at home never alone.. I will walk through day and night my fire burning bright fiery eyes, pierce through the darkest of nights with wit, salvaged from my ancestors to provide the sharpest of minds to push for everything that is well within my right.. I will break out of this grave because it is nothing more than an illusion I will fight and at the end of the day the truth will meet both our eyes.. Time to rise, the sun is burning bright this morning..