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Sep 2014
Have you ever thought deeply about Prime numbers?

We normally think of prime as something unbreachable

In base ten this is most likely true

But there are other languages that might be used to break down numbers

I'm no theorist but I have my theories

What was behind the Big Bang?


If impermeable ... then the Big Bang never happened

And any good programmer worth a lick of salt, always leaves a back door

So, I bet there are some Prime numbers out there that are permeable, otherwise ...

We wouldn't be the Children of the Big Bang
This gem was found on a journey to Billings
Aaron Shxaeetί Mullin
Written by
Aaron Shxaeetί Mullin  ~~ ~ Whitehorse ~ ~~
(~~ ~ Whitehorse ~ ~~)   
       W L Winter, SøułSurvivør and ---
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