why do you think putting this needle in your vein is going to take away the pain is avoiding your issues just going to make them go away or are they still going to be there when your high is gone the next day this upper is your downer but your already down can you get any lower your lower than the ground why is getting back on your feet so hard the pain to your body is nothing for you are emotionally scarred why does it feel like when your sober your high but when your high you feel sober why can't this affliction just stop and be over you ruined my teenage life to this point you lied when you said nothing more was to come of that joint **** was a gateway drug for you then came sherm, ex,and *** but the needle felt so right. so did wrapping the belt around your arm so tight, your high came fast and with out any pain, but your once sunny days are nothing but rain, but that's your fault and you messed up bad. rehab couldn't stop you, you wanted to get high, but you do what every addict does, you cheat, steal and lie, so now your out and free, but this euphoric rush you crave has taken yet another member of your family, now you sit around thinking to you self " ****" your On the outs and your still feeling bad, but your life is now in your hands so you should be glad...