On a pondering Morning, watching the Sun Rise, I see off in the Distance a Twirling Fog bank ! It was the calmest of Mornings, So what TWISTS the fog ? Even the sound of Footprints being Quickly made, I could hear Running across the Misty Glade . An Echo of Light seemed to follow the Pace, As well as did the turning of the Fog . What, Pray Tell, Could I be Privy too on this New Morning ? The Foot path beats seemed to be coming closer, But still Unseen because of the Clouded Steps. I CRIED OUT "Is someone there?" and again "Is someone there?" NOT a reply except the approaching sounds and sights ! As if Music to my ears, a Melody emitted from the scene, Coming closer each second. I Realized that Anticipation and Peace of Mind were Overwhelming me ! NO fear or apprehension crossed my mind, Just a lifting of my Spirits, as not but a few feet away, ALL Three were nearly to me ! The Footpath Sounds, The Twisting mist, The melody of Calling.... Then, What seemed like 7 Minutes of a Total Earth Quiet Time ! Out from the Mist Stepped a Glistening Golden, Shimmering in Velvet, Raven Haired to HER Waist..Loveliest of Women ever to be Seen ! As she began to speak, it was as if each word became forever imprinted in my Mind ! She Proclaimed in a voice so Gentle and Concise that she was Sent,, Sent, SO I might See, What a Gift from GOD Looks Like, "MY GILDED MUSE". Tears filling my eyes as Her indwelling within me BECAME COMPLETE.......
copyright @2011 barnoahMike Mike Ham