What can I say in this moment? Its really not like there are any words That could make a difference now! It not like there is anything I can do To change the facts The only one who can do something IS YOU so why don't you? Why do you stand there waiting for me You know I am chained you know that I m being held back and you it clearly Why are you letting someone else look for the keys why aren't you the one doing it You know where they are you know I belong to you you made me but he's the one that's looking he's the one running, and you? why are you just standing there I cant run to you life I used to when I was learning how to walk I can't defy the laws of a mother like I used to when you both were together and I admit I like him I love him he earned ever second every smile every inch of depth of my love but I haven't given him all of it because im saving a small piece for you Please don't make me regret the time I lost with him trying to look for you! He's here, he has always been! Where are you? Where have you been?