1) I have long wondered of the tri- in trickery (those of you privy to the arcane secrets of etymology will know tri- is three, as in trinity and triple and trivium) and so I have many aeons meditated on the 3 in trickery
2) and recently on a trip (what’s the 3 in trip?) to the University of Matters Ancient and Abstruse I uncovered this manuscript that reveals all the 3 in Trickery:
“It behooves him who will master Trickery to attach himself to a Teacher so he may be Trained (which is the first of the 3)
And so he may be Trimmed in thought to focus on the act entirely (thus the second of the 3)
And last comes the Treat wherein the thief Treats himself to the victim’s property; and thus in these 3 stages do the cunning ever shift into their own pockets that which belongs to the unwary”
3) And thus, dear readers, was the mystery of the 3 in trickery resolved for me as I hope it is for you; but you might now want to see if the money is still in your digital wallet for - keeping you distracted, and unknown to you - I have just practiced all 3 in Trickery