I was never actually good enough You always wanted me to change You said that that was love And maybe it is But maybe it's not
You hung on because you feared it was your last chance To ever find someone like me Someone who can love you
And I know that you're wrong You will find her And I hope with all my heart that she loves you with an inconceivable passion I hope that her spirit will spark in you something that you've never known That she will be all that you could ever ask for And so much more Someone who won't need to change for you Or be better for your sake But someone who will make you better, For your own sake.
I hope that she will be more understanding than I ever was I hope that she will give without hesitation I hope that she will listen to what you're really saying I hope that she will know exactly how to help you That she will be patient and kind But I also hope with all my heart That she can hold her own So that you will never wear her down- because she will love you, and love can do may a strange thing to people's minds.