I’m walking across these stones like they are photographs mapped onto the tapestry of our togetherness Threaded with the feeling of beads of sweat on our lower backs and *** backstroking through our veins Walking under this night sky feels like moving under the impenetrable tunnel of the summer that I met you
And the times this sky was the only witness to the way my eyes learned to search for you under its cover Or the memory of my arched body under yours that only these spaces can recall
This space will hold you if ever I cannot And will be impressed with the gravity of your existence if ever I no longer am
Under this particular scattering of distant solar systems No run of time will ever obscure a history already traced onto these roads Or the scar of our entangled youth on these rooftops
Walking across this corner Of this island Of this universe There is a feeling of being familiar to these trees and this elegant passage of time
As if in a moment in which I have never existed before I have already been and somehow become what I already know I will never be again
The sky is dark and studded with associations that will rustle under my feet come October And rustle still at the equinox
And the path is long and yet gone beneath my feet as I walk along Under a sky that knew you when I did not And will hold you in its grasp for as long as I may go down this alley In this city
To which these stones Our stones Will always belong