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Sep 2014
What would you do

if you found out that the truth was

that destiny was real

that your choices were predetermined

that an omnipotent being in the sky
had his big omnipresent hand
up your tiny unimportant ***

using you to act out its plan
each and every day

All your hopes and fears and special moments really did not belong to you

Those feelings of love, of hate, of excitement, of hopelessness existed only to move the story along, and it was not your story.Β Β It wasn't any of ours.

What would you do?
What would you do?

**Exactly as you're ****** told
It's a joke, get it?
JA Doetsch
Written by
JA Doetsch  St. Louis, MO
(St. Louis, MO)   
     Montana, martin and JA Doetsch
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