why is it that when i see you with someone else it doesn't hurt as much as i know it should
but when i'm near you i act like that really clingy glue the one that always leaves your hand raw from trying to scrub it off?
i don't want to be the squid that sticks to you but i want you to want me as cliche as that is
i want your perfection which is impossible to want me but we all know that the perfect people never love the imperfect they find other perfect beautiful smart and nice people to love because their love is better because their love is more because their love will last forever
what cliche ******* you don't know that i have no feelings so these palpatations these incessant thump thomps of my heart? are all new territory for me
apparently its all a map of unexplored sadness and the compass points north to you
you're like a map full of longitudinals that tell me where to go when i need a somewhere to lie down after a long day full of latitudinals that allow me to hug you and dig into the comfort of your chest right above where your heart beats a steady thump-thump-thump can't you hear it? i hope you can't because my heart cannot function normally around you.
your heart is the 0,0 of the map and your eyes are the compass telling me where to go, showing me how you feel and all the little cracks within your self the map outlines the constellations of your face and the small islands of all your interests, the mountains of every muscle on you, outlined plane by solid plane.
You are a whole, detailed and delicate map.
I am the tectonic plates underneath the earth that is you. i shift, destroy quake.
i am just one fault line after another.
one day i will creak and crash in the process, i will destroy you.