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Sep 2014
I want to study the crevices of your palms
The palms you keep clenched in fists
I wonder if the lines were any indication
Of the tragedy you became

Once supple with hope
Touch bringing only affection
You’ve forsaken yourself
Now rough, riddled with desire

The valleys and the cracks of your far gone hands
Caressing scarlet letters, shaken and shuddering
Gripping skin, a romance black and blue
Forcing notions of love upon you

Are there signs of ******* marked upon yourself
To match the husks your vileness disfigured
Palms outstretched onto raw naked skin
Grip tightened, nails dug into unwilling hips

I want to study the crevices of your palms
Do the lines spell out names of those you see in your daze
Were they carved out as you seized their remains
Or were they born with you, sealing their fate
Hasina Imza
Written by
Hasina Imza  Singapore
     Lambert Mark Mj and Erenn
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