I can’t seem to catch hold of what’s next I’m digging in year old treasure chests to try and help me find a map to adapt along society’s throng the one I was born into and will die out of All of the questions being asked in my college classes pertain to inner opinions and oppositions I guess I struggle with this because in philosophy I learned self-love is the only superpower I have and I don’t want to talk about finding the balance between good and bad anymore my apologies Socrates, you’re the opposite of a bore but I’ve had enough of this question everything crap that I cannot even appreciate how simple this class is In English, I know writing will always be my salvation but motivation, I lack in motivation maybe I need my ritalin back but that’s a question for December that’s a question in whether I’m human enough to get up off my *** and ******* do something but every time I try to “do” something I feel like it’s *******. Oh Haley, that’s just your depression talking! and my self doubt and hypochondria and my eating disorder that I’ve been teasing with for months Recovery is a beautiful fallacy and honesty is for pages and strangers My apathy disgusts me and I’m stuck between an insatiable thirst for the past and appreciation for the luck I have