Part of my throat just fell out. A bit from the back, I have no doubt. Been feeling something bad down there. When it fell out, it made me swear.
Put it quickly down the loo. What the hell else can I do? A ****** great big lump of me. Nearly choked, spat my tea"
A cough of blood, a messy splat. Yes pointy finger, I'm a Welsh ****! Now just a little blood and stuff, " Ok body, I've had enough."
I've cut and broke and bled so much, What next, a piece falls of my crutch? Reckon singing tore it out. That last rendition made me shout!
But I will admit that I do fret, My throat shouldn't go down the toilet.
Odds teeth, my body threw me a curved ball tonight. Well, more like a bit the size of the end of my finger, ugh feel traumatificated, but still alive, result!