My life made sense before You. I was happy without you. I was happy alone.
Nothing makes sense now.
Now I feel like something is missing.
Now -- My bed feels empty, And my phone seems too quiet, And I'm always angry, And everything looks breakable.
But, Not as breakable as me.
My bones are glass and, My skin is tissue paper. I'm crinkled and torn... And these cuts hurt the worst.
I don't think I would feel quite so empty, If I never felt whole. I wouldn't feel so invisable, If I'd never been seen. I wouldn't feel so fragile, If I'd never been saved.
So thanks for that.
Remember when I could stand on my own? I was so **** good at it. I was strong. I was intrepid. I was ******* untouchable. I guess we all have our weaknesses... Mine was a perfect smile, And eyes that could shoot me all the way to the moon and back.
Life before you made sense. Life with you made sense. Life after you isn't even worth mentioning.