It really is philosophical This bench by the bus stop It's wooden planks fading to gray Solitary in all its nostalgic glory Ageless and Uncomfortable in a familiar way And I knew it wouldn't last, I knew you couldn't stay.
But I do. Because I share a room With an emotional Middle Schooler Almost as emotional as I am, figuring out how to bloom In a world that discards Real flowers Because the fake ones look nicer, last longer But they don't remind me of dreamy afternoons on the bench with Yellow roses in my lap - which you did not buy me - not that it matters cause we would argue for as long as we needed to determine happiness and colors (and discuss how to pacify our mothers)
Because they say "Real flowers are not perfect" I think That's what makes them worth it And I remember... a stormy night when it poured inside and I went out into the dark to escape the light, with you as we shivered on the bench and cleaned out the basements of our souls, organized the attics of our minds.
And now I sit on the bench, with you And we wonder At the agony of believing that Real flowers might be valued If dreams were worth chasing And love didn't cost quite so much. Cause I can't afford To hope for Real flowers But I can't bear Not to.