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Sep 2014
Vanity and chasing the wind Suleiman says/
Indeed it is all a cause of no value to mankind/
Sometimes I say to myself be this or that worth anything?
If I cannot know the outcome of all my toil is it worth it?
Inspired by accomplishments made by the great names/
Dust they were dust they have returned to, a shame/
Meaningless their lives meaningless their fame/
A chasing of the wind indeed just a chasing/
Like dust blown into the skies our souls rise/
Like a stone thrown in Newtonian age our bodies fall/
Tasteless is all that was sweet senseless is all that made sense/
For what is common sense it is a repetition of the ordinary/
Accustomed to repetition and circular movement is our world/
Roundabouts everywhere that lead to the same destination/
New is nothing old is everything that is new/
Those who know now knew then and won’t know again/
A chasing of the wind a curse of mankind/
Hurry for the time doesn’t wait for the faint hearts/
Running before we learn to walk that’s what we wanted/
But we were chased and caught for the sign read WANTED/
Wanted did we to know the unknown hidden with good reason/
It was the time the season for ripening of the fruit/
It was the reason we gave up our God given gift/
Our curiosity and pride overcame our sight/
On the day we lost our divine right/
And the day was bright suddenly lost its light/
A chasing of the wind in darkness blind was the start/
Vanity and chasing the wind Suleiman says/
Vanity it is to this day it stays/
Meaningless indeed meaningless it stays/
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