I want to write about sadness but I have nothing to be sad about
I want to write about happiness but I write about that too often and it feels weird
I currently have my headphones in listening to Pianos Become The Teeth in my own little world
My girlfriend is the only thing that makes me happy
My best friends do as well
I can go to them with any sorts of problem and not be judged
I don't really talk to my family about personal problems because I know they'll judge me
Actually last week my dad said to me "there isn't a single gay bone in your body
I'm not gay at all
I support gay rights, yes
But that doesn't mean anything
It seems the only family I trust is my cousin and sister
I can't even tell my counselor my problems because I know he'll tell my parents and I don't want them to know anything because, like I said, they'll judge me
It's like if I tell him I'm depressed, he'll tell them and they'll worry and tell me ******* that makes it worse