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Aug 2014
If it's raining for you
it's raining all the time for you
It's a storm and you're alone.

If it's summer for you
It's too hot
and the mugginess makes your sweat useless

If it's too much for you
you're knees are buckling
and you're climbing
the steepest hill is your route
It's gonna get better.

If the rain's gone
your shirt been dried by the sun
your friends are outdoors
and it's time to make fun

If it's late spring for you,
you're comfortable,
a moist air keeps you the same

If you've just let down your burden
You've no lead in your shoes
and the road is a gentle downward *****
It's gonna get worse.
Jeremy R Frenette
Written by
Jeremy R Frenette  28/Agender/New Brunswick, Canada
(28/Agender/New Brunswick, Canada)   
   ---, krissie, Harley Ginsberg, Mir and Arataikii
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