My love, what gives me peace; without war there is none- My love, what gives me life; also what kills- what knows; like the cat I have nine times to die. Deadline, there is something much more important; suicide prevention lifeline. My love, my right to live, my right to die; I wish I were deeper than children section at the pool- Where I first tried to drown- Water loves but you are the most; Since you found me, since I found you, since then I recognized you in blood vessels, living in tummy that used to be afraid of soda. My love, I make you weak, never stronger than ever; I make you light, never hold so much, never be another than malnutritional. My love, I will not let go of you, just like you won't of me. I only **** you, like you do, like you had done, I did it, bare-handed.